View Full Version : Re Sunday Scrappers. If C&C are reading this....

15-03-2012, 02:32 PM
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you get Rosemary Merry on board for the scrapping shows?

I've just watched the last show that I recorded. I had such high hopes for this series, and I know that when Mel's on in April it WILL be BRILLIANT but if she's not going to do EVERY show, then you need another scrapping EXPERT!!!

If not, one BRILLIANT show a month would be better than 2 mediocre ones.

Thank you for reading!

15-03-2012, 02:42 PM
Please please get MEL or SUE Wilson for scrapbooking or give someone NEW (but known for scrapbooking) a chance to show what they can do

15-03-2012, 02:53 PM
Sue said on another show that she does not sacrapbook (unless I heard wrong)

15-03-2012, 04:19 PM
Please please get MEL or SUE Wilson for scrapbooking or give someone NEW (but known for scrapbooking) a chance to show what they can do

Exactly! There are plenty of gifted scrappers blogging on the internet - if we can find them, why can't they?

15-03-2012, 04:25 PM
Yes Pleeese C&C listen to us!!

Must admit I would have thought Dawn(Bibby) could do some good presentations even if she hadn't done any scrapbooking. A sort of "learn along with me" show. Dawn is very good at understanding colour and design balance. She knows all about adding embellishments. So surely she would be perfect for scrapbooking.

15-03-2012, 05:50 PM
And she has had some beautiful Kaisercraft products on - would be lovely to see them used in scrapbooking mode!

She has said that she doesn't work on Sundays but she could include it in one of her Tuesday shows?

15-03-2012, 06:07 PM
Perhaps Ali could develop a new love of scrapping. Now THAT I'd like to see.
Come on Ali! Give it a go. Think of all the fun you could have with a 12 x 12!
Kate x

15-03-2012, 06:37 PM
I keep asking this.............. why isn't DB doing the shows? She had been saying since she first joined C & C that she was going to get the whole nation scrap booking, so why isn't she? It isn't as though she doesn't do scrap booking, unless she was telling porkies, she even got her mother to do it. Therefore she is qualified enough to give it a go.


15-03-2012, 06:54 PM
Yes please...... expert Scrappers should be a must have on a Scrapbooking show. :D

15-03-2012, 07:11 PM
I have no interest in scrap booking but have often watched such shows for card making ideas and found them with Rosemary Merry.I watched Sunday scrappers and was very very unimpressed.C & C get an expert on board!!

15-03-2012, 08:24 PM
I'd settle for a Scrapbooking show that was about - and only about!! - scrapbooking ..... I really don't care who presents it - well, as long as they know something about scrapping. Every show I have managed to watch so far has had more card making than scrapbooking ... come on C&C - the clue is in the title of the show

:mysmilie_365: climbs down looking a bit sheepish and promises not to rant for at least .... oh .... ten minutes or so ....

15-03-2012, 10:13 PM
I always think every time I watch it, if I wandered on their set and said 'I've never made a card in my life, but I'll give it a go' they would never let me on air, and yet they do this every flipping week with scrapbooking. I know there are people out there who have never scrapped and need to start at the beginning, but I thought it might actually be a show for us who really enjoy the hobby. Practically every other show is for cardmakers - can't we just have one show for scrapbookers with someone who knows what they are doing??

16-03-2012, 12:13 AM
I always think every time I watch it, if I wandered on their set and said 'I've never made a card in my life, but I'll give it a go' they would never let me on air, and yet they do this every flipping week with scrapbooking. I know there are people out there who have never scrapped and need to start at the beginning, but I thought it might actually be a show for us who really enjoy the hobby. Practically every other show is for cardmakers - can't we just have one show for scrapbookers with someone who knows what they are doing??

I absolutely agree - when I first saw crafting on QVC and C&C, it took me a while to realise that their approach to crafting was to follow the approach that "crafting equals cardmaking". Now I appreciate that they sell a lot of products that way, but my family has always crafted in one form or another, sewing, knitting, art and other stuff without a single card in sight so I always found the term "crafting" very misleading.

I enjoy a bit of card making and I do realise that both channels have made good strides in widening the variety of crafts that they include in the past year or two. But I'd love to see an expert crafter doing regular scrapping shows on C&C.

Wouldn't it be fantastic to have Rosemary doing a monthly masterclass, similar to Barbara Gray, taking through the whole concept of making a scrapbook, from getting your pictures together for the theme of the scrapbook, chosing the style of scrapbook you want, suggestions of different page layouts and how to compile a page from scratch etc etc. Think of how many fantastic products they could sell and how people could incorporate different paper techniques, such as stamping or embossing or using inks or glitter etc into your scrapbook, so that it truly becomes a work of art, not just a collection of photographs.

Maybe we should start a campaign for Rosemary to do a masterclass series on C&C?? Rosemary/Nigel/C&C if you're reading this, there is a market for this stuff!!

Okay, no harm in hoping! I'm still hoping for a knitting and sewing weekend as well........

16-03-2012, 09:00 AM
Give someone "NEW" a chance not rehashed QVC ones they had their go at showing what they could do

16-03-2012, 10:16 AM
I absolutely agree - when I first saw crafting on QVC and C&C, it took me a while to realise that their approach to crafting was to follow the approach that "crafting equals cardmaking". Now I appreciate that they sell a lot of products that way, but my family has always crafted in one form or another, sewing, knitting, art and other stuff without a single card in sight so I always found the term "crafting" very misleading. Okay, no harm in hoping! I'm still hoping for a knitting and sewing weekend as well........

These so called Craft Days always give me the pip. Most of what we have had over the years has been wall to wall paper crafting. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my card making, but until this last year or so card making was all we got. To be fair to C & C they have begun to try harder by including knitting, sewing, crochet and cross stitch.

QVC used to include Bucilla felt crafts and Debbie Minton with cross stitch, rug making and knitting, mostly Popcorn and friends, but also Disney. Then their so called craft days sort of went down the pan to paper crafting only. Julian used to drive me nuts when during a paper crafting show he would ask whoever had phoned in how long they had been crafting. If he had said paper crafting it would have been ok, but there is far more to crafting than just paper and sticky stuff.

Ok I am now in a bit of a temper. Just had Jehovah's Witnesses, or some such nonsense at the door trying to bring me some comforting news. Don't bother, I've had my brill news of the day. My op has been changed from the 19th of next month to next Monday. Been running around like a headless chicken booking a taxi, cancelling physio appointment and letting my stitching group know I won't be there. I was on such a high until those two sullied my doorbell with their grubby fingers.


16-03-2012, 11:03 AM
Good luck with your op on Monday Roz. If those Jehovah's Witnesses turn up again just tell them your forum friend Craftycat is a Wiccan who will put a hex on them. Not that well behaved Wiccans are allowed to do that.!

When they come knocking at my door I just stand in the window, hold up a book of spells and smile sweetly. Interesting how fast they disappear.

16-03-2012, 06:31 PM
Hahahaha, now that is a good un flower. I hadn't heard of Wiccan's until I read Blackwork by Monica Ferris. I was certainly intrigued, nay interested, so had a hunt around the Internet for more info. I do so like t'Internet, so useful when it comes to finding out useful information. A friend of mine, now living in Aussieland, but used to live in Suffolk, always told them she was a white witch. She said they vanished like smoke. :)

I was once stopped in Leeds when on my way to work. Normally I would have told him I was in a hurry, but this time I stopped, gave him a load of spiel about prehistoric animals, the origin of the species, and all that stuff. I didn't let the poor man get a word in edgeways. Dunno if you have every seen the episode of Last of the Summer Wine when Foggy does a similar sort of thing, but that was what gave me the idea. Of course one actually has to have the energy not to do more than pause for breath for more than a nanosecond, but it can be quite fun seeing them going pale and weak at the knees. :)

Half way through this afternoon I decided that as I didn't know what sort of strapping I would have on my thumb, I decided to cancel my appointment to see my gynae appointment for next Thursday. The last time I went for my check-up they were chivvying me on when I was getting undressed and dressed, so I reckoned it was probably a better idea to change it. Turns out I can't have another one until May 17th, which just happens to be my birthday. A good excuse to go out for a meal afterwards I reckon. :)


von 2
16-03-2012, 07:45 PM
Roz - I hope your op goes ok. Sometimes it's good to not have too much time to worry about it. Hopefully you'll be back as you were very soon

16-03-2012, 08:10 PM
Hope your op goes well x

16-03-2012, 11:08 PM
Good luck with the Op Roz, hope everything goes ok and you make a speedy recovery.

In my last house I had something fixed to the glass pane of the door and do you know, one look at it and the Jehovah's would just turn around and not even bother knocking. What was this magical sign I hear you ask? Something extremely simple, a car sticker with just two words in red on a white backgound picked up when I attended a session. The words?


Don't have one on the door here but being a white witch I do have my besom (Broom) by the door and when I see them coming through the window I answer the door with it in my hand. I did want a pentagram symbol in the glass on the door panel but not one of the UPVC companies we got quotes from could oblige. And the sales reps all seemed to think it was an extrordinary request too. I did say to a few that I thought it would be a good marketing angle for deterring unwanted door knockers lol. In the end we settled for a rose design because my youngest daughter said it reminded her of the rose in Disney's Beauty and the Beast and it is one of her favourite Disney movies.

17-03-2012, 06:43 AM
Good luck with the Op Roz, hope everything goes ok and you make a speedy recovery.

In my last house I had something fixed to the glass pane of the door and do you know, one look at it and the Jehovah's would just turn around and not even bother knocking. What was this magical sign I hear you ask? Something extremely simple, a car sticker with just two words in red on a white backgound picked up when I attended a session. The words?


Don't have one on the door here but being a white witch I do have my besom (Broom) by the door and when I see them coming through the window I answer the door with it in my hand. I did want a pentagram symbol in the glass on the door panel but not one of the UPVC companies we got quotes from could oblige. And the sales reps all seemed to think it was an extrordinary request too. I did say to a few that I thought it would be a good marketing angle for deterring unwanted door knockers lol. In the end we settled for a rose design because my youngest daughter said it reminded her of the rose in Disney's Beauty and the Beast and it is one of her favourite Disney movies.

Merry Meet Budgie! Isn't it strange the ideas people get about Wiccans/ White witches! Most of my real life friends and neighbours don't even know about what I believe.

17-03-2012, 03:20 PM
Hi Roz, just a quickie to say best wishes for your op on Monday and I hope you get your gynie stuff sorted out soon as well. Marie x