View Full Version : Sir Tim on Ideal World????

07-11-2012, 07:37 PM
Have I just read this right? Sir Tim is appearing on Ideal World next week??:mysmilie_357:

07-11-2012, 07:40 PM
Dunno, but haven't we heard something similar before?


07-11-2012, 08:02 PM
I'm not sure but I know it's been mentioned in posts when the presenters were swapping and changing around. I've just dipped into Shopping Telly and it was on there. If it's true hope he gets Nigel May as Nigel might make him more relaxed then he used to seem on QVC when he was holding court.

07-11-2012, 08:24 PM
Graham posted this earlier in the Crafting News section at the top. I'm a bit miffed because I love TH and don't have Create & Craft in my cable TV package.

07-11-2012, 08:33 PM
I suppose he will distress a tag!

07-11-2012, 08:38 PM
I hope Sir Tim will do something else so I can see the 'light' and get into his stuff.

07-11-2012, 08:59 PM
I hope Sir Tim will do something else so I can see the 'light' and get into his stuff.

Might I recommend Sir Tim's blog - and in specific his 12 tags of Christmas - pick a year as there have been more than one "set" of these done for different years. Follow EVERY tag of the set for your chosen year being made step by step, and if you can then come back and tell me you have NOT learned something in terms of technique, use of materials etc which you can adapt to your OWN style of crafting........well then I guess I'll eat my heat gun ;)

Edit: And.. I ought to add, no doubt Sir Tim will use tags in demos if he is on IW/CAC, but at least he will have more of a chance to explain himself I hope. Mind you his usual time of year for appearing on QVC was February time - not too long after the big American trade fair for the craft industry - anyhow let hope he is on sometime or another.

2nd Edit: Just seen Grahams post (http://www.crafttelly.com/forum/showthread.php?16002-Tools-of-the-Trade-PLUS-a-Very-Special-Guest!)

07-11-2012, 10:29 PM
The presenters on IW/C&C will be going into bowing and scraping overdrive. Nigel in particular and many others, act as though the American guests (Fran Stampendous etc) are gods from another planet.:dull:

07-11-2012, 10:53 PM
Might I recommend Sir Tim's blog - and in specific his 12 tags of Christmas - pick a year as there have been more than one "set" of these done for different years. Follow EVERY tag of the set for your chosen year being made step by step, and if you can then come back and tell me you have NOT learned something in terms of technique, use of materials etc which you can adapt to your OWN style of crafting........well then I guess I'll eat my heat gun ;)

Edit: And.. I ought to add, no doubt Sir Tim will use tags in demos if he is on IW/CAC, but at least he will have more of a chance to explain himself I hope. Mind you his usual time of year for appearing on QVC was February time - not too long after the big American trade fair for the craft industry - anyhow let hope he is on sometime or another.

2nd Edit: Just seen Grahams post (http://www.crafttelly.com/forum/showthread.php?16002-Tools-of-the-Trade-PLUS-a-Very-Special-Guest%21)

I meant as in products rather than techniques Phree.

Lets hope your heat gun isn't as big as mine !!!! :giggle:

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZcDlm9b73DnevhUQUCD1u_rdojjmrT iHN3lJ3LJ4JAvqGiUHeLeg7xAs (http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=flamethrower&start=174&num=10&um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&biw=853&bih=495&tbm=isch&tbnid=67qW0eIf0CNOVM:&imgrefurl=http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2011/08/20/artwork-the-flamethrower/&docid=c3xRYBQEIeYW_M&imgurl=http://www.sandraandwoo.com/images/commissions/serathus-the-flamethrower-389x540.jpg&w=389&h=540&ei=tvGaUNPzEoLP0QWln4Aw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=479&vpy=27&dur=1012&hovh=136&hovw=88&tx=106&ty=99&sig=109947206694054880362&page=19&tbnh=136&tbnw=88&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:76,s:100,i:232)

08-11-2012, 07:39 AM
Lol Julie! I have to confess I am absurdly excited by this! I'm hoping he will have a bit more time on Create and Craft to demo.

08-11-2012, 07:40 AM
Julie, loving your little pic at the bottom of your post above. Quite made me giggle

08-11-2012, 07:56 AM
I hope Tim holtz bring some new goodies with a sensible price tag. I was a huge fan of his but then it got boring with the same old stuff and same demo's. jo

08-11-2012, 08:58 AM
This could be really good, but let's earnestly hope that C&C really think carefully about who they put with him - we (or I, anyway) want to see the products, the demos and most importantly hear some tips and advice from Tim, not a load of screaming and shouting from a Presenter. Neither do we want a load of cringeworthy fawning. Please C&C - get it right this time (for a start, can I suggest that Jacqui is scheduled onto Ideal World that day...)<style id="_clearly_component__css" type="text/css">#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; } </style>

08-11-2012, 09:25 AM
I read Grahams post yesterday about TH but it's not there now, was a show about Tools of the Trade plus a Very Special Guest.

08-11-2012, 10:14 AM
POTD on 13th nov is showing that it is tonic. not so sure that it will be Tim Holtz.jo

08-11-2012, 10:40 AM
As I don't buy from C&C anyway I may well just end you watching some of the youtubes I've bookmarked with Tim demonstrating.

I like the idea of using tags for demonstrating and making samples. I do tag size test pieces on all sorts of stuff and the book I got about paper techniques - the one Kate (Kate'sCards) suggested - uses tags for illustrations all the way through.

08-11-2012, 11:47 AM
POTD on 13th nov is showing that it is tonic. not so sure that it will be Tim Holtz.jo

Tim works with a number of companies, not just Ranger and Tonic is one of them - in particular these products (http://timholtz.com/prod_cat/tonic-studios-products/)

However I guess we will need to wait and see. If not in Novemer, then perhaps Sir Tim will come over at a similar time of year as he has done in the past for QVC, after the big American trade show when there are new things to launch here in the UK.

08-11-2012, 01:13 PM
[QUOTE=Phree;272866]Tim works with a number of companies, not just Ranger and Tonic is one of them - in particular these products (http://timholtz.com/prod_cat/tonic-studios-products/)

So he does! jo

Carolina Moon
08-11-2012, 04:37 PM
I can't find Graham's post about this. Can someone give me a link please?

08-11-2012, 05:07 PM
I can't find Graham's post about this. Can someone give me a link please?

I think he has deleted it. jo

08-11-2012, 05:14 PM
Yep, it has disappeared.

jodie johnson
08-11-2012, 08:09 PM
I don't want to burst anybodies bubble , but tim will not be joining me on the pod and was never planned too sorry,BUT tune in for brand new products from Tonic and little old me jodie
Tim works with a number of companies, not just Ranger and Tonic is one of them - in particular these products (http://timholtz.com/prod_cat/tonic-studios-products/)

However I guess we will need to wait and see. If not in Novemer, then perhaps Sir Tim will come over at a similar time of year as he has done in the past for QVC, after the big American trade show when there are new things to launch here in the UK.

09-11-2012, 12:45 AM
Awwwwww - oh well maybe Sir Tim will come to the UK after the January CHA event as he as done in the past - I can keep my fingrers crossed.

09-11-2012, 07:17 AM
Actually perhaps now is the time for Sir Tim to come to C&C given that craft seems to be on the wane on QVC.

09-11-2012, 11:54 AM
I didn't really think that Tim Holtz would come to C&C. He has a contract with QVC America and I remember that he has been asked a number of times if he was going to move to C&C once Dawn Bibby switched channels and he has always said no [He and Dawn are close friends]

As others have said he comes to the UK to appear on QVC in the spring each year - this year he launched the second volume of the Cabinet of Curiosities. I watched him on QVC but didn't buy as I had a feeling that the bookm would appear at a cheaper price - which it did about a couple of weeks later in an on-line store which sells Tim Holtz products. It actually turned out that I got my copy before those who had purchased on QVC advance airing.

I have seen a lot of complaints about Tim only demo-ing on small tags and some people feel cheated. I think the reason he does that is that it is a small project which can be completed easily and also gives an idea of how distress inks work especially.

As previousely mentioned if you visit his website you can see he does 12 tags each year - one for each month which are stunning.

I know there are a lot of people who are not really into his distressed/altered art techniques but you have to admit that he is a very talented man and quite you can take one part of a technique he has perfected and make it one that suits you! Sue Wilson uses his distress inks all of the time, so does Julia, Hels Sheridan and Ali Reeve. Even Sheena Douglass uses them in her work.

He has been responsible for many people coming to paper-crafting and I for one appreciate the tips that he gives. I can't say I like everything he does [for instance the armless dolls] but I can see how taking what you have and "turning up the volume" can take you to another level.

Not everybody want cutesie or floral........ equally bling and bang of the Glitters Girls is not for everybody but don't all of us crafters take a bit from this and a bit from another to make out own style?

As much as people dislike Anthea Turner the Get Britain Crafting has to be congratulated - it is inside us all to be crafty - if someody shows you the way, thank them and enjoy every single inky moment!

09-11-2012, 03:12 PM
Below is the extract from Hels blog today, regarding Tuesday. Reading it, I am not sure if she is just launching Tims product or Tim and his products, but it sounds like just his products.

Link to Hels blog


"BIG... EXCITING... NEWS... (http://pinkleart.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/big-exciting-news.html)
....Eeeeee, I have been sitting ever so patiently so wanting to share this for a yonk and a half.. I have been alluding to some special shows on Create & Craft/Ideal World coming up next week... well, I can't keep it in any longer... here's the news that I hope you are all going to be as excited as me about; on Tuesday 13th November 2012 at 10pm I will be demo-ing on a very special Creative Expressions show on Ideal World...launching Tim Holtz and his product lines onto the channel. HOW EXCITING IS THAT!!!! *I can barely contain myself!* The shows are packed full of brand new Tim Holtz products, stamps, papers, Idea-ology and of course, lots of Distress goodies. I am so honoured and delighted to be asked to do this, you all know how passionate (ok, mad crazy) about Tim's products and art... so I hope you will be able to tune in and join me for the shows. The shows on 14th are awaiting time confirmation, as soon as I know, I will let you know so you don't miss out."

09-11-2012, 04:19 PM
Still something to look forward to then! I shall enjoy both Hels and Jodie's shows.

09-11-2012, 04:57 PM
i have set my recorder as i will be away on our hols. jo

Hels Sheridan
09-11-2012, 05:23 PM
Thanks for that englishminx....

The shows are as follows:
10pm Ideal World 13th Nov
11am C&C 14th Nov
5pm Ideal World 14th Nov

Am SO excited!!! This is what a lot of peeps have been wanting for a long time... I can't wait to demo loads of the new products from Tim's signature lines along with Ranger and Creative Expressions goodies. Tim is also excited that he will have his products on Create & Craft/Ideal World.

**and he just tweeted me and I am now all dizzy and stoopid lol**

Cheers!!! Hels x

09-11-2012, 05:39 PM
Thanks for the details Hels - working tuesday and wednesday nights - boo hoo - so all the good stuff will be gone but have set the shows to record because I know your demo's will be so inspirational.

09-11-2012, 05:51 PM
Oh thanks Hels, working out what cross stitching I will be doing on those days. Can't just sit and watch TV!

Hels Sheridan
09-11-2012, 07:13 PM
Thanks for the details Hels - working tuesday and wednesday nights - boo hoo - so all the good stuff will be gone but have set the shows to record because I know your demo's will be so inspirational.

Aw that's a shame... I will try and get some demo/samples put onto my blog next week too... more demo's is good right? :O)

09-11-2012, 07:30 PM
What brilliant news Hels! Even more so that you are doing the demo's!

Do you think you could give a demo of just how to hold the blending when using the Distress Inks - sometimes I get it just right and then others it's just a mess!

I was wondering if it would be better using the Splodgemat instead of the normal craft sheet as it seems to control the ink better so it is harder to over ink [well that's what I see when Barbara Grey users the brayer on it]

Recorder set and I shall be watching all of your programmes!

09-11-2012, 07:35 PM
I am thanking you Richie because you have said exactly what I would like to see. I have them and the blending thingy but it never goes right for me. It is either too heavy or too light, I can't seem to get the hang of it.

Hels Sheridan
09-11-2012, 09:46 PM
What brilliant news Hels! Even more so that you are doing the demo's!

Do you think you could give a demo of just how to hold the blending when using the Distress Inks - sometimes I get it just right and then others it's just a mess!

I was wondering if it would be better using the Splodgemat instead of the normal craft sheet as it seems to control the ink better so it is harder to over ink [well that's what I see when Barbara Grey users the brayer on it]

Recorder set and I shall be watching all of your programmes!

helloooo, yes, I will deffo show you how. I usually refer to the way I hold it... (insert mucky thought of own choice rofl) I prefer to use blending tools as I have carpal tunnel and am a bit cack handed, hence me always dropping stuff on the floor (!) The tip to remember is to pick up enough ink on the foam... don't just tap the foam onto the pad, give it a good squidge in. Then press the tool onto your craft sheet, you will see how much ink is on it, if it leaves in on the sheet, it is very inky, so go with a lighter hand, if it doesn't leave much ink , you have less ink so press a bit harder.
Always work in circular motions, working towards you as you have more control working towards than away from you... gets a smoother effect. Always start on the craft sheet and work inwards... never start in the middle and work out, you won't get a nice look that way because the foam will drag against the card... giving those horrid liney efffects.
Make sure your foam isn't too degraded, after a while they break down and the spongy bits fray... bin it and get a new one...a frayed foam will give nasty liney effects too.
Remember the angle of the tool. The more accute the angle, the less space covering the card, so this is perfect to edge. The flatter the angle the more it will cover onto the card/paper. And also always tilt your tool.... that way the very edge of the foam won't touch the card/paper so you won't get... yep, you guessed it... nasty mean liney effects.

Hope that helps... will demo it on one of those shows though.... tis very much a practise thing too... so you need to get inky more often lol xx:grin:

Hels Sheridan
09-11-2012, 09:48 PM
oh and... I haven't tried the splodge mat... but.. Carley has told me I have one waiting for me to try out... so will let you know what I thinks... have heard very good things about it tho! And.. I am rubbish with a brayer... the only use I have is to get paper stuck down properly.... other than that, my only interaction with a brayer was a donkey ride at Scarborough in 1977 ROFL

09-11-2012, 10:48 PM
How lovely to see you here Hels.

I have a question on the blending tool. Is it normal for the velcro to tear off of the foam pads so easily? I have heard of a few folks who have had to glue the velcro back to the actual tool, but I find I cannot reuse my foam pads as invariably they fall to pieces when I try to remove them from the tool I can't afford a tool for every colour family, and I can't afford to use a foam pad once and then throw it away. Do you have any suggestions for this, or is it that perhaps I had a faulty set of spare pads?

10-11-2012, 07:13 AM
Thank you so much Hels! I am glad I am not the only one who is rubbish with a brayer! I once ended up with a stripe of ink on my forehead and on the back of my shirt collar!

I have osteoarthritis in all of my joints and following a fall I have on 20% use in my left [dominant] hand as I severed the ulna nerve. This means that my grip is poor [I call it my dropsy days!] and I cannot keep my hand in one position for too long as goes into a cramp.

I do think it is a practise thing getting the angle right and thanks for the explanation but when I see you actually demo-ing it will stick in my mind more!

I hope the shows go well - and that you get a presenter that doesn't interrupt you or try to take over.

What I would like to see on C&C are weekly or monthly shows that look at techniques - going back to basics and starting all over again with different tips and techniques - I am sure that we all need to take a step back sometimes and seeing somebody else shwoing you how makes you re-think and learn other ways.

Maybe a Classroom?

10-11-2012, 07:22 AM
How lovely to see you here Hels.

I have a question on the blending tool. Is it normal for the velcro to tear off of the foam pads so easily? I have heard of a few folks who have had to glue the velcro back to the actual tool, but I find I cannot reuse my foam pads as invariably they fall to pieces when I try to remove them from the tool I can't afford a tool for every colour family, and I can't afford to use a foam pad once and then throw it away. Do you have any suggestions for this, or is it that perhaps I had a faulty set of spare pads?

You've not got faulty pads because mine are exactly the same. I too have heard lots of people comment on this, you would think that the manufacturer would address this problem by using some of their super duper glue rather than have a lot of us faff about re gluing etc.

10-11-2012, 07:40 AM
Hi Looby and Sam. I have had the same problem with the blending tool, very frustrating.

Looby, I've got two blenders and a couple of packs of foam pads (special offer somewhere or other) but wouldn't want to waste storage space with one blender tool for each colour family. I don't throw the foam pads out though. I wash mine. Read somewhere that you shouldn't do this but it doesn't affect them. Guessing you would rather do the same. Wonder if you have got a naff pack of pads as mine certainly don't fall apart.

Waffle waffle

EDIT for those of use who love stamping etc there is a good paper clinic next Monday

10-11-2012, 09:24 AM
Just to make it clear, I do not have a problem with the tool, but with the blue velcro stuff on the pads, it just rips to pieces when I try to remove it from the tool, rendering it useless and I might only have used it to blend one colour once........ it's fine to be able to wash them, but useless if they are so torn they won't stick back on the tool.

10-11-2012, 10:39 AM
Just to make it clear, I do not have a problem with the tool, but with the blue velcro stuff on the pads, it just rips to pieces when I try to remove it from the tool, rendering it useless and I might only have used it to blend one colour once........ it's fine to be able to wash them, but useless if they are so torn they won't stick back on the tool.

Yes that makes more sense. With mine it is the other velcro bit that falls off the handle, leaving a bit of black plastic behind. I glue that back on with the strongest glue I've got at the time. Flaming nuisance though.

pyjama princess
10-11-2012, 10:40 AM
That's happened to mine too LL. Now I know it happens I'm a bit more careful removing them but it can still pull away. I have one that the blue stuff has completely pulled off. Mine were bought from QVC.

10-11-2012, 11:04 AM
I'm thinking I might try to improve my technique with the inking brushes I bought (some were a replacement of those that were faulty ages and ages ago). They are good but it takes longer to get any colour on the card with distressing, easy with a wetter type of inkpad. You really do need at least one brush for each colour family though - they don't take well to being washed.

10-11-2012, 02:17 PM
I have the ink dusters, but as you say it takes ages to get any real colour. I wish S!r T!m would address the problem of the blue stuff just tearing to shreds as I would much rather use the blending tool

10-11-2012, 04:03 PM
I would think that Tim Holtz has an unending supply of spare pads to use on the blending tool so not like us price aware crafters he doesn't have to wait until the pad falls to bit to replace and also can afford one pad for each colour!

I seem to remember Dawn Bibby saying that he invented the blending tool as he didn't like the "feel" of the sponge on Cut'n'Dry

I would think it was Ranger who need to look to making the tools more sturdy and where I know that the constant rubbing is bound to make the sponge disintergrate it shouldn't happen quite so quickly although I bet they would say it was becuase we are all rubbing too hard!

10-11-2012, 04:10 PM
I have the ink dusters, but as you say it takes ages to get any real colour. I wish S!r T!m would address the problem of the blue stuff just tearing to shreds as I would much rather use the blending tool

Two problems to be looked at really, the blue pads themselves and the top bit of the tool itself falling off (like wot I have been getting!!!)

10-11-2012, 04:41 PM
I went to a craft class with Jo Firth Young earlier this year, and she showed us how to use both the cut and dry and the blending tool. For me, i thought the blending tool would make it easier, but in fact it wasnt as easy, i get a much more even colour with the cut and dry, although mine dont last long they fall to bits because i do over use them when colouring, i find the foams for the blending tool not thick enough for me.

10-11-2012, 08:52 PM
Would someone please explain why this man is so revered in the crafting world?

FCOL "Sir" Tim?

I don't get it.

10-11-2012, 10:18 PM
Would someone please explain why this man is so revered in the crafting world?

FCOL "Sir" Tim?

I don't get it.

Many of us like the altered art/distress inking style that Sir Tim demonstrates so well. He is responsible for creating a whole range of craft products, no doubt not the only one, but a person who can create to his standards earns the respect of his fans. We also realise his style isn't for everyone.

11-11-2012, 06:38 AM
I think the 'Sir' is often used in an affectionate but satirical way because of the over blown way he can be presented in magazines and on a certain shopping channel.

I think he has a following because his products are always a bit different. The way his inks can be diluted and used in a variety of ways has meant they have become a mainstream product for rubber stampers and other crafters rather than just for the niche market of grungy altered art that is his style.

11-11-2012, 07:18 AM
What does FCOL mean?

I called him S1r T!m as a gentle ribbing because of the way that Dawn Bibby virtually used to salivate at the very mention of his name and you could see her throwing herself down to be walked on whenever he appeared on QVC.

My issues with the blending tool pads is NOT that the foam falls apart, it's that when you try to remove the pad from the tool the blue stuff doesn't separate from the foam it actually shreds and takes half the foam pad with it......... wrong type of stuff. It's not strong enough to cope with the hook part attached to the tool itself.

11-11-2012, 07:19 AM
I'm really looking forward to watching the programmes this week, it will be good to have the chance to see a complete demo without rushing from one product to the next. Thank goodness for this forum or I would have had no idea it was on. :)

11-11-2012, 07:46 AM
What does FCOL mean?

I called him S1r T!m as a gentle ribbing because of the way that Dawn Bibby virtually used to salivate at the very mention of his name and you could see her throwing herself down to be walked on whenever he appeared on QVC.

My issues with the blending tool pads is NOT that the foam falls apart, it's that when you try to remove the pad from the tool the blue stuff doesn't separate from the foam it actually shreds and takes half the foam pad with it......... wrong type of stuff. It's not strong enough to cope with the hook part attached to the tool itself.

FCOL IS "For Crying Out Loud"
or could be "Fancy Cardmaking Only Let In".

Risk of going off topic but could be an interesting game. I used to love (as in be entertained by) the way Dawn reacted to Sir Tim. With the blending tool, it does seem to be that the velcro (the blue stuff and the hooked stuff) is the wrong product for the job as that is what is causing your problem and mine.

11-11-2012, 08:26 AM
I have the blending tool, cut and dry foam and the ink dusters but must admit my blending tool stays in the RUB because of the problems all of you have raised. But on a commercial note why would Ranger address the problems with the pads - obviously crafters just keep buying more and more to use and throwing them away so Ranger are on a win win at the moment - make the pads more sturdy and user friendly and you wont sell as many.

I use the cut and dry on small projects and the ink dusters on card edges and larger projects. I have the original single brushes - 12 of them - and love using them. Havent been adventurous enough to try doing backgrounds with them yet to be honest but I do love using them to dust the edges of cards and paper and blend colours together around the edges quite easily. My issue until last week was storing them - when I originally bought them three years ago I got a wooden stand that had holes drilled in they were supposed to sit in but the holes were too small and each time I tried to move the stand to use them they fell everywhere and I hated having them rolling around my workspace. I loved the wooden stand that Inkylicious do but didnt want more brushes and the craft spinner is so big and at £16 just to store brushes on - I can get a lot of stash for that lol. But last week lidl had storage racks for coffee pods and they did one that was perfect for storing the ink dusters and only £3.99. So now my brushes are on a rack, portable and they dont fall off and the original wooden storage - well my stickles sit in the holes so it still has a use lol.

11-11-2012, 04:12 PM
FCOL IS "For Crying Out Loud"
or could be "Fancy Cardmaking Only Let In".

Risk of going off topic but could be an interesting game. I used to love (as in be entertained by) the way Dawn reacted to Sir Tim. With the blending tool, it does seem to be that the velcro (the blue stuff and the hooked stuff) is the wrong product for the job as that is what is causing your problem and mine.

So without understanding why I called him S!r, I guess I was being insulted.


11-11-2012, 05:48 PM
double posted.

11-11-2012, 05:49 PM
So without understanding why I called him S!r, I guess I was being insulted.


I assume so, same goes for me. Think I'd better not ask what FOSMA stands for.

11-11-2012, 11:50 PM
Geeze ladies forgive me if I am reading this wrongly but why is anyone "guessing" that they have been insulted? Please lets not have another stushie over something that is being misunderstood in type.

As for why "Sir" Tim....... well I guess that's cuz whether or not the style of crafting rings your particular bell, on a purely objective level Tim is a dedicated and very inspirational crafter and for me the "Sir" is meant in much the same way as I might refer to Barbara Gray as "Queen of the Brayer", or one might also refer to Christine Coleman as "The first lady of parchment crafting". I think it's just about respecting someone's talent even tho that talent may not be directed in a style that appeals on a subjective level.

12-11-2012, 07:23 AM
Geeze ladies forgive me if I am reading this wrongly but why is anyone "guessing" that they have been insulted? Please lets not have another stushie over something that is being misunderstood in type.

As for why "Sir" Tim....... well I guess that's cuz whether or not the style of crafting rings your particular bell, on a purely objective level Tim is a dedicated and very inspirational crafter and for me the "Sir" is meant in much the same way as I might refer to Barbara Gray as "Queen of the Brayer", or one might also refer to Christine Coleman as "The first lady of parchment crafting". I think it's just about respecting someone's talent even tho that talent may not be directed in a style that appeals on a subjective level.

If someone reacted to your post above with For Crying Out Loud, would you just smile and assume they were not complaining?

If I use the phrase I use it in annoyance, but perhaps I am unique in that and if I am and the OP didn't mean it the way I took it then I apologise.

It has come to the point where opening one's mouth around this forum is tantamount to sticking your head in the Lion's mouth.

Note to self *stick to Depression Corner*

12-11-2012, 07:37 AM
If my Dad used that expression I knew I was in in real trouble!:grin:

12-11-2012, 07:39 AM
Sorry but I did feel insulted but can we leave it at that.

off to play in the dark corner

Hels Sheridan
12-11-2012, 09:00 AM
How lovely to see you here Hels.

I have a question on the blending tool. Is it normal for the velcro to tear off of the foam pads so easily? I have heard of a few folks who have had to glue the velcro back to the actual tool, but I find I cannot reuse my foam pads as invariably they fall to pieces when I try to remove them from the tool I can't afford a tool for every colour family, and I can't afford to use a foam pad once and then throw it away. Do you have any suggestions for this, or is it that perhaps I had a faulty set of spare pads?

Ah yes, that is a problem, because there is only so much sticky on the foam and velcro. What I do is hold the corner of the velcro with my nail whilst lifting the foam off. However, it invariably does come apart on occasion. Use Cosmic Glue to stick the velcro back on... I swear by it... and still remember to hold the velcro down when lifting the foam off... just to protect it a bit. Some peeps have stapled their velcro's on... I haven't the courage to take a staple gun to close to my paws so haven't tried that x

Hels Sheridan
12-11-2012, 09:03 AM
Thank you so much Hels! I am glad I am not the only one who is rubbish with a brayer! I once ended up with a stripe of ink on my forehead and on the back of my shirt collar!

I have osteoarthritis in all of my joints and following a fall I have on 20% use in my left [dominant] hand as I severed the ulna nerve. This means that my grip is poor [I call it my dropsy days!] and I cannot keep my hand in one position for too long as goes into a cramp.

I do think it is a practise thing getting the angle right and thanks for the explanation but when I see you actually demo-ing it will stick in my mind more!

I hope the shows go well - and that you get a presenter that doesn't interrupt you or try to take over.

What I would like to see on C&C are weekly or monthly shows that look at techniques - going back to basics and starting all over again with different tips and techniques - I am sure that we all need to take a step back sometimes and seeing somebody else shwoing you how makes you re-think and learn other ways.

Maybe a Classroom?

OUCH, that sounds painful hun... have you tried using Cut & Dry foam instead of a blending tool? A friend of mine has similar problems and finds a larger square of Cut & Dry is easier to control... you would use it in exactly the same way, lifting it slightly to have a curved edge when blending... I have heard a few peeps asking for more technique based shows... tis a good idea, I would be up for that x

Hels Sheridan
12-11-2012, 09:05 AM
Yes that makes more sense. With mine it is the other velcro bit that falls off the handle, leaving a bit of black plastic behind. I glue that back on with the strongest glue I've got at the time. Flaming nuisance though.

Ah, sorry, I misunderstood, when you are peeling the foam off the pad, just be very careful and do it slowly... sometimes if the foam is very inky, it will peel the blue bit off... nothing we can do about that unfortunately x

Hels Sheridan
12-11-2012, 09:28 AM
Thanks all for your lovely comments... am beavering away today getting demo's prepped and some more samples ready.

As an aside.... Sir Tim/Lord Tim of Holtz, I haven't called him that ... I rather like to call him the Duke of Distress (and have been known to get thoroughly excitable and call him the Sultan of Stamping and the Viscount of Vintage lol)

I don't know who started calling him that... but to me, it doesn't really matter... he is Tim, yes, he is admired and adored by a lot of crafters but if you don't like the stuff he does, the style, the products, that doesn't make you wrong... the world would be right boring if we all liked the same thing wouldn't it? Personally, I love the Ranger products, the Stampers Anon products, they are good quality and they do the job that I want them to do.

Please don't fall out with each other, life is too short... and if one is feeling upset or crabby that saps one's creativity... shall I tell you my joke to make you all fall about laughing?

Here goes... this is the best of the repartie....

What is brown and sticky?>>>>




A Stick!!!!

Bhahahaa... you groaning? I know... I shall stick to the day job rofl

Thanks again... I am starting to get more excited and a smidge nervous now!!! xx:mysmilie_510::mysmilie_508::mysmilie_17::mysmil ie_867:

12-11-2012, 11:36 AM
Oh good lord Hels, don't be giving up your day job! A comedian you are not.

When I read your first reply to me I thought you were talking about the velcro stuff on the foam pad and was wondering how on earth stapling it back together would work. I then realised, following your second reply to me, you meant onto the wooden block! Good job you clarified things I was heading for the stapler, and 'twould, I think, have made a most unusual pattern in my inking.

Hels Sheridan
12-11-2012, 11:56 AM
lol... oh yes, a whole new distress technique... *scratches head.... wonder if it will work.....*

12-11-2012, 12:04 PM
lol... oh yes, a whole new distress technique... *scratches head.... wonder if it will work.....*

If you find it does, do remember to mention me in dispatches!!! LOL

12-11-2012, 05:09 PM
I think it would produce an interesting effect!

12-11-2012, 06:42 PM
As long as you werent thinking about stapling the velcro to your head Looby ..... then we really would have a catastrophe on our hands. I love Sir Tim and his amazing products, without ranger or SA products, my crafting would be stuck in the world of AT and sticky back plastic, that or staple guns

12-11-2012, 10:39 PM
As long as you werent thinking about stapling the velcro to your head Looby ..... then we really would have a catastrophe on our hands. I love Sir Tim and his amazing products, without ranger or SA products, my crafting would be stuck in the world of AT and sticky back plastic, that or staple guns

Oh EM, now there's a thought that might appeal to a few folks, lol......... I do actually have a proper staple gun but I am so nervous of using it I am probably in danger of doing exactly that. I try to sort of fire it from a distance, which of course means less control.

I another love of all things Tim, although, no offence here Hels, I do think he very cleverly gets people to part with some ridiculous amounts of money for somethings that they probably wouldn't have looked twice at least week, or maybe already had but in a different capacity to craft. Hang a craft label on it and up it's price. That, of course, is not Tim's fault just a clever ploy with marketing and were I to have a genius idea I sure as heck would run with it and pocket the dosh and not think twice about it.

Hels Sheridan
12-11-2012, 11:25 PM
none taken LoobyLou, I feel the same about some things... like those Fractured Dolls... I spent about £30 getting some original ones in from the USA because I had used one in that class he did over here... I needed them like NOW. Forked out all that... he brought out the Idea-ology ones... the ones I shipped in? Still in their packaging... ROFL I am a sucker for vintage stuff so anything he brings out usuallyl gets me to part with my cash lol I don't necessarily think it is Tim directly doing the marketing, I think he just gets ideas and pushes for them to be made commercial so we can all have the option of buying stuff like he has... I dunno... whatever, I loves him and his stuff ;o))

13-11-2012, 06:34 AM
Just been having a peek to see what's in the shows - nothing on there yet but the presenter on the 5pm show tomorrow is Loen, I can't wait for that one :giggle: She is my favourite female presenter as she tells it like it is but I wonder what Tim Holtz will make of her

13-11-2012, 08:17 AM
Janice, I believe it's not going to be Tim. I think that was a mistaken idea. The lovely Hels will be doing the shows I believe, or at least some of them.

Can't wait myself either. I think he has a way of looking at things that most of us can only dream about. Although I think that with you too Hels. You must be brimming with ideas because you create some amazing works of art.

13-11-2012, 08:18 AM
I'd love to see Loen's face when confronted by one of those fractured dolls!

13-11-2012, 11:47 AM
Janice, I believe it's not going to be Tim. I think that was a mistaken idea. The lovely Hels will be doing the shows I believe, or at least some of them.

Ah, thanks Looby. That's what you get when trying to whizz through the posts when eating your Weetabix at silly o clock!!

Hope the shows go brilliantly well for you Hels, my Sky thingy is all set up - and please please please show Loen one of them broken dolly thingys :mysmilie_483:

13-11-2012, 11:53 AM
Just set my Sky+. Looking forward to the show Hels. I hope they update the show listing soon so we can see what's coming up.

Hels Sheridan
13-11-2012, 02:05 PM
aw, sorry, we haven't got the Fractured Dolls on the shows.... actually, I think I heard that they have been discontinued... I have used a couple on large projects. Doesn't stop 'em freaking me out tho ROFL

Well. Samples made, Demo's prepped (I have got a reallllly cool technique to show you tomorrow :O)) Hair to be done, nails to be rescued, they are in a mess... I got alcohol ink underneath them... niiiiice... classy like rofl

Better go, I have just had a thought for another sample.... gotta get it made now :O)

Thanks all for your support... muchly appreciated....

And... sorry, Tim isn't going to be here this time... he is such a busy guy (I probs wouldn't be able to communicate if he was in the studio tho... lots of gazing and dribbling hooohahahaaa)

13-11-2012, 03:03 PM
aw, sorry, we haven't got the Fractured Dolls on the shows.... actually, I think I heard that they have been discontinued... I have used a couple on large projects. Doesn't stop 'em freaking me out tho ROFL

Well. Samples made, Demo's prepped (I have got a reallllly cool technique to show you tomorrow :O)) Hair to be done, nails to be rescued, they are in a mess... I got alcohol ink underneath them... niiiiice... classy like rofl

Better go, I have just had a thought for another sample.... gotta get it made now :O)

Thanks all for your support... muchly appreciated....

And... sorry, Tim isn't going to be here this time... he is such a busy guy (I probs wouldn't be able to communicate if he was in the studio tho... lots of gazing and dribbling hooohahahaaa)

And breathe ......... :grin:

13-11-2012, 04:49 PM
The product listing is now up for the 10pm show tonight.

http://www.idealworld.tv/ShowGridView.aspx?fh_view=lister&fh_usertype=show&fh_location=%2f%2fidealworld%2fen_GB%2fshow_iw@gt; %7b2325253%7d%2f%24s%3d2325253&fh_eds=ß&fh_start_index=0&showId=2325253

13-11-2012, 04:56 PM
I like the look of the baubles and the faces, looking forward to this show

13-11-2012, 08:20 PM
I see there is capped p&p at £2.99 at the moment. It's all very tempting!

14-11-2012, 06:58 AM
Loved the show Hels! Really liked the Frosted Film and the Metallic Distress Stains! I recordrd the show and have got the others in my Sky+ to record and keep. Thanks for the demo's and the beautiful examples your prepared - you must have been in inky fingers heaven!

I have never been keen on the Fractured Dolls even though I bought a set [I thought I would like them better in real life!] They are really odd looking and I find it hard to think of a use for them.

My favourite has been using a large Configurations which I turned into a hat shop with the cover forming the windows. I made all of the hats, brollies and bags which were really good fun but very fiddly and frustrating [I have osteoarthritis so my fingers won't co-operate!] I used the little light that was introduced at the Summer CHA as a light over the shop doorway! I loved doing it and have had a number of offers to sell it but I can't let go of it!

Once the District Nurse has come and sorted me out today I will be glued to the TV watching more demo's!

I do hope that Crafting with Tim Holtz becomes a regualr monthly programme - especially with Hels demonstrating! And fingers crossed maybe Sir Tim will come onto C&C next Spring when he is in the UK again!

14-11-2012, 08:31 AM
Fabulous show Hels, really enjoyed it and looking forward to todays shows

14-11-2012, 10:18 AM
Agree, was a lovely show last night and fab demos. I could have bought everything on the show - but alas bank blance could not cope with the order. Am recording the shows today to watch when I get in from work this evening.

14-11-2012, 04:24 PM
So he was on after all - at least by telephone and said he hoped to be in the studio in the future.

14-11-2012, 05:29 PM
His masters voice was so funny him on the phone and saying coming to UK????? next year hahahaha....only wish he and Dyan Reverley would move over to C&C

14-11-2012, 05:33 PM
He certainly leftme with the impression he would be coming to IW/C&C Lee :happy:

14-11-2012, 05:47 PM
Missed the last show where "sir" was on the phone but guessed from what was said earlier that he would be taking part, either phone or a video. Really enjoyed your demo's over the last couple of days Hels.

15-11-2012, 01:29 PM
I enjoyed your demos too Hels, and the call from Tim! Great shows hope you are back on again soon.

15-11-2012, 02:16 PM
Fabulous demos Hels. If I were a richman (well woman) da da da, you know the rest

15-11-2012, 09:11 PM
Fab shows Hels, and it does sound from the way he was talking that we may see Sir Tim on CAC/IW sometime next year - now that would be so much better than his visits to QVC.

Hels Sheridan
16-11-2012, 12:27 PM
hey guys, thanks ever so much for your lovely comments. The call from Tim was the icing on the cake ... here's hoping he will come to C&C soon!

I just spent the last few days asleep lol All that excitement at my age and all that lol

Will be sure to let you know when there are more shows coming xx

16-11-2012, 03:36 PM
Thanks Hels! Let's hope you are back on again with more Tim Holtz products very soon!

Belinda B
16-11-2012, 04:05 PM
Loved the shows. My goodies arrived today as well - the frosted film is fab, and Im really pleased with the 'face' stamp too.

Hels Sheridan
18-11-2012, 11:56 PM
Glad you got your parcel so quickly, that is good service!

Just a little whisper...there could be another show in the not too distant future :wink: and... I might just be working one something else that is faaar from cool too :cool2:

19-11-2012, 01:09 PM
As someone who doesn't have C&C in my TV package, is it possible to view these shows online? Retrospectively, I mean. I know you can watch them live but I'm usually at work.

19-11-2012, 01:46 PM
As someone who doesn't have C&C in my TV package, is it possible to view these shows online? Retrospectively, I mean. I know you can watch them live but I'm usually at work.
If you have an iPod, iPad or an Android phone you can download an app to watch the shows later. I believe they stay on for 24 hours at least, if not longer. It is so useful.