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02-05-2018, 03:15 PM
Just watching the launch of the American A. C. Moore craft company and it ‘s a deal with another paper trimmer having just had the Cutterpillar in the hour before. I know it’s got lots of paper as well but they have only just finished saying you will only ever need the cutterpillar.

02-05-2018, 07:17 PM
Sounds par for the course. Somebody was asking on Facebook, last week I think it was, about the sewing machine being sold on IW. The lady wanted to know if it was a better machine than the one Debbie Shore had been demoing the day before. That was no doubt better than the previous one, which was better than the one before that, which is probably the same one that was on IW, and so it goes on.

Don't get me started on all the different die cutting machines, and why we really must buy the latest version. It doesn't matter if is only a different colour from the one we already have, or that it is twice the price. We simply must BUY, BUY, BUY. ;)


Little Jan
02-05-2018, 07:43 PM
I find all the shopping channels are the same
As long as they make a sale and is all same old same old
you must have this it’s the only one I would use , till the next one comes out when they would only use that one
Just how many die cutting machines ,trimmers etc does one person need
I have my cuttle bug and a cricut both do all I want them to do
And I have a trimmer that I have had for years when it would not cut after three year’s of heavy use hubby sharpened the blade

It’s the same on Q
Then it’s the make up ,face cream they would only use ,then the next show, same presenter different product same speel
Got to the point I don’t believe a word any of them say