View Full Version : It’s a switch off

13-07-2019, 08:00 AM
I know there are many presenters who irritate us , but even with the sound off and a product I want to see demonstrated, there are a couple of usual IW presenters on C&C this weekend that means I can’t switch on for fear of hurling something at the screen.

13-07-2019, 08:52 AM
I know what (and who!) you mean. I really wanted to see the Gemini blockbuster because I need (or want) an electric die-cutting machine. I couldn't bear watching the second show because of the presenter - I had to watch Dan on catch-up. I wonder how many sales they lose because of the irritating presenters?

pyjama princess
13-07-2019, 09:27 AM
It’ll be back to normal soon - there’s a bug going around the staff and people are off sick.

13-07-2019, 11:20 AM
Hope everyone gets better soon!

13-07-2019, 06:59 PM
Some were also at Donny apparently. I did think about going, could have got a free ticket too, but decided I would probably spend money on something I didn't really need or want. I find it way too easy to spend money at craft fairs, hence why I tend to restrict myself to the knitting/needlecraft do at Harrogate in November. At least I know I have saved up my pennies for that, so can go with more or less a clear conscience.

Pennies! Who do I think I am kidding? At least I am now putting £10 or so away each week, so I know I won't be totally skint. I also save my £1 and £2 coins, which add up to quite a bit over the 12 months. I do find it quite amazing how much more money I seem to have since I stopped using my credit card for everything. Perhaps it is something to with stopping and thinking before I spend, or maybe it is the guilty feeling I have that 'himself' might see what I am spending! Not that he ever complains, but it still gives me a slight guilt attack.
