Some of you may have seen the wedding and retirement memory books I posted in the here's one I made earlier thread. I love making them and seeing the reaction they get when people open them up and read the personal messages.
Well tonight I got a message from one of the women I have made them for saying she has been asked if I will make one. Doing the book and pages isnt a problem, its the why it has been asked for and I think this will be the hardest one I will ever do and I so want to get it right.
The book is for staff at one of the hospitals in the trust I work for as a memory book dedicated to a nurse who has died suddenly. She was only 35 and a mum to three young children and obviously loved by her colleagues. Im going to make the book this weekend but what I would like is to have a nice poem or maybe song words on the first page. I didnt know the nurse and I dont want to intrude on everyone's grief by asking delicate questions so I was hoping you lovely ladies and gents may have a few suggestions. I wanted to avoid anything too religious or too sentimental but wanted something that would well not make you smile when you read it but, bearing in mind it is for her family, would when the time is right, let them know that their wife, mum, daughter was special to all those who have written in the book.
I hope Im explaining it, I know what I mean but Im having trouble expressing it at the moment and I really want this to be just right so that it can hopefully bring her family some comfort seeing just how much she was loved.
Thanks in advance.