Am I the only person that has noticed that the Tonic lady... (I think it's Jody) can't pronounce the word "Circle"? She always says "Cirttle"..............Arghhh!!! Im sorry if I am offending anybody but It does my head in!! LOL!! Just been watching the 8am show and alreay noticed it a couple of times, all I can say is thank god she is presenting flower dies this week as the last time when they were doing the "Circle" and square frame dies I had to turn it off because it was annoying me so much.
I realise I am obviously very easily annoyed and nit picking but does it not bother anybody else?
Also Dawn Bibby can't say Tassle lol she says "Tazzle" arrghhh!!
Ok sorry, sorry, sorry......i'm gonna go before I offend anyone else.....You are all probably gonna jump on me and shout me down once again but i had to vent my frustration and see if anybody else noticed or was bothered?