The End!!!!!
The End!!!!!
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The thing that annoys me is when they are selling it is always 'You've got YOUR.....' Well I haven't got until I have bought the product. I really find this annoying as it is said over and over again.
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I cant roll my l's very well either, which is a right bugger, as I have an L in both of the words where I live, my best friend enjoys taking the pee out of me when I try pronouncing where I live.
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My hubby has a terrible time pronouncing some words. People make assumptions because of it, like he's thick and nothing could be further from the truth.
During my drinking days, I used to develop a lisp after a couple of glasses of wine and whilst that might have been deemed quite sweet by some when young, its less so as you get older. As good a reason to stop drinking as any I reckon :D
Last edited by Comfrey; 23-03-2013 at 05:27 PM.
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I have learnt to keep an open mind, but not to be so open minded my brains fall out
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My hubby is from Preston and I'm originally from Manchester so you would think all would be ok but not so as I have been here in n.ireland since I was 7 so adopted the accent. He lives here now but forever taking the whatnot out of my accent.
Apparently we don't say a lot of words to his liking but his fav are trousers, mirror , cows and flowers. They do have a certain ring to them.
My mum lived here for 35 years and also adopted a lot of local lingo but never lost her Manchester accent.
So some of hubby words are all wrong to me so she must have adapted some Irish ways in her speech.
I hate it when he says I'm off to do the "pots" here that would be dishes there are lots of others too. Funny how when we were first together these thing didn't bother us but the more time passes the more we fight. I say when in
Crafty wise the word that get me is "adhesive" everyone on telly says it the same way and pronounces the h and I don't hear that when I say say it. Kinda like when the Americans say "vehicle" that's like the adhesive word to my ears.
I think its something we are all going to have to get used to because lots of people are getting together via tv or internet from all over the globe. we all need to learn to tolerate the words and opinions of others as our access to other people and mediums grow.
( and I know my spelling and grammar is a mess and autocorrect does not help lol)
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So stampin Fiona let me correct you on so many things........I didn't speak untill I was 6 years old and couldn't even say my own name. I spent many years of my life having the piss taken out of me, so you don't even enter my radar . I have had speech therapy at a young age but as it runs in my family my son my father and his father it is a speech impediment .People in glass houses ( English minx loved that by the way) .i never mean to offend any one , but you have just insulted so many people. Speech impediments are so different from person to person and we try so hard in life to hide the problem so we don't get insulted by people like you. I'm only replying to this thread as you have insulted so many people.........I'd like to thank everyone else who has backed me up on this ,it means a lot that I have some true friends who love craft the way I do ..
thank you
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Well done for a brilliant post Jodie.
My parents were terribly strict about language in general, Mrs Bates (Mother) still is. My "problem" was and is beyond my control, I'm a bad asthmatic and inevitably at times I sound wheezy. The slagging and criticism has left me that I won't answer a phone if I have the sound effects :giggle:
Nobody is perfect, that is one of the few things we can be sure of in life.
I could watch your demos all day and have bought from the shows so you're definitely doing something right.
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Hugs Jodie. Very brave and honest of you to share that. I just wish people were a bit more understanding and accepting of folks who have to cope with difficult physical and mental conditions. A very dear online friend of mine is profoundly deaf. It didn't stop her making a career as a dancer and then a dancing teacher though. Sad that, because her communication skills are poor that she is often treated as someone who has little intelligence.
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