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Thread: Wedding butterfly house!

  1. #11
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    In A Little World Of My Own
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    What a lovely idea wish I had thought of that
    instead daughter has a wooden postbox
    You don't have to be as mad as a box of frogs to be here but it helps:mysmilie_13:

  2. #12
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    Don't know when yours is JAMMY but have a wonderful time and you too LJ, have a wonderful time.

    If either of you have any spare cash, buy a few of those disposable camera's and pop them on the tables for folk to take informal piccies with - you get some lovely results, and ask guests to leave them with the top table or best man/chief bridesmaid (or dare I suggest brides Mum !!). Do remember to get the ones with a flash though, some of them haven't.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacksmissis View Post
    Don't know when yours is JAMMY but have a wonderful time and you too LJ, have a wonderful time.

    If either of you have any spare cash, buy a few of those disposable camera's and pop them on the tables for folk to take informal piccies with - you get some lovely results, and ask guests to leave them with the top table or best man/chief bridesmaid (or dare I suggest brides Mum !!). Do remember to get the ones with a flash though, some of them haven't.
    Jammy/Little Jan - I had disposable cameras on the tables at my wedding and we had a few that weren't used and I don't particularly know what to do with them. I think they are still in date, but I will check tonight. If either of you are interested, I would be more than happy to pop them in the post to you.
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spendsloads View Post
    Jammy/Little Jan - I had disposable cameras on the tables at my wedding and we had a few that weren't used and I don't particularly know what to do with them. I think they are still in date, but I will check tonight. If either of you are interested, I would be more than happy to pop them in the post to you.
    That's really kind. Not something any of us had thought about. Wedding is tomorrow, but the big party follows a blessing in church and that's Sat 12th April. If you think you could get them to me by then I'd happily pay postage.
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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMMY View Post
    That's really kind. Not something any of us had thought about. Wedding is tomorrow, but the big party follows a blessing in church and that's Sat 12th April. If you think you could get them to me by then I'd happily pay postage.
    How exciting! I hope it all goes well tomorrow Jammy - we would love to see a photo or two. If I can find where I put the cameras, I should be able to post them to you by Saturday at the latest - please PM me your addy.

  6. #16
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    What a kind offer Spendsloads, how lovely. JAMMY have a super time, and don't forget to BREATHE now and again (I'm serious, you'll get all of a doodah if you dont!!)

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