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Thread: New Rules on Internet/TV shopping

  1. #1
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    Default New Rules on Internet/TV shopping

    Hi guys, I know that many of you will already be aware of this, but just wanted to give a quick summary of the changes to the distance selling regs which come into affect on 13th June. There will be some interesting implications for some of the retailers that we frequent for our crafting purchases!

    1. Information - not only must the retailer supply you with quite a long list of details before you make a purchase, they must also then provide a lasting copy of that Information for you to be able to refer to after the purchase. A link to their curent T&C'S will not suffice

    2. Goods must be delivered within 30 days unless ou have expressly agreed to a longer delivery period.

    3. Your right to cancel extends to 14 days from the current 7 days starting from when you receive the item. Refunds must be made within 14 days and must include standard P&p paid by you and the cost of returning the item unless unless the seller expressly states otherwise in their tems

    4. No more pre-ticked options that incur a cost

    5. No more premium telephone numbers for customer service lines!!!

    I think quite a few members on here have had poor experiences relating to 2,3 and 5 from some companies that shall remain nameless!
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  2. #2
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    Wow Dips, thank you I didn't know about this - I lead a very sheltered life lol!! As you say, its going to make 'some' Companies take stock - so to speak - thanks again.

  3. #3
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    Thanks from me too Dips, I didn't know about this too.
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  4. #4
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    You're all more than welcome! I'm sure there will be news items about it on the 13th. There's more to it than I covered (and apologies for all the typos, I was doing this on my Ipad in bed last night which does not make for accurate typing), but I've picked out the main things that crop on here time and again as causes of dissatisfaction.
    Last edited by Dips; 05-06-2014 at 06:45 PM.

  5. #5
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    Thanks Dips. Very useful information for the future. Let's hope all the distance sellers are made aware of it too.

  6. #6
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    Another thanks from me Dips - I too was unaware of the changes due to take place soon.

  7. #7
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    Thanks so much, Dips - I'm another who didn't know about this.

    Does this mean that if I order something today, I'll have to pay the return P&P if I don't like it, whereas if I order the same item on Friday, the seller has to pay it? I've got my eye on some clothes (i.e. nothing to do with crafting!) but I've always been reluctant to buy clothes online (except ones you can return to a shop) because of the cost of returning them if I don't like them / they don't fit or suit me.

    Oh - I've just read that you say except where they expressly state it in their T&C. So they can still say returns (of non-faulty goods, presumably) are at my cost. Oh well, I guess they still won't get my custom. I'm not paying money - and have all the inconvenience of parcelling it up again and getting to the post office - just to try on clothes.

  8. #8
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    Thanks Dips.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Ta chuck. I didn't know about the changes either.

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