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Thread: No danger......

  1. #1
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    Default No danger......

    .......of me transferring loyalty to the two new channels. Honchanda is a joke and The Craft Channel is just same old, same old. Love Julian but as for all the other presenters, forget it! Thanks Create and Craft.
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  2. #2
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    I like Hochanda. They have Indigo Blu, Julia Watts, Sue Wilson, Chloe, encaustic art, Phill Martin, Barbara Gray among others. They have some excellent presenters in Alex, Lee and Charlie and some others whose names I don't know. Unless and until a certain ex- C&C presenter joins Hochanda, I'll be watching it in preference to C & C. Also Hochanda's packaging and delivery times are very good, according to comments I've seen online, which is more than I can say for C & C. It's far from "a joke" imo.
    Hochanda, don't have Dean Wilson, Dawn Wheeler, Paul Becque or Jacqui Joseph, which is also in their favour as far as I'm concerned. None of the demonstrators giggle incessantly and none of the presenters think the show is all about them, instead of the demos and products. What's not to like?
    Last edited by Sue; 26-09-2015 at 03:21 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sue View Post
    I like Hochanda. They have Indigo Blu, Julia Watts, Sue Wilson, Chloe, encaustic art, Phill Martin, Barbara Gray among others. They have some excellent presenters in Alex, Lee and Charlie and some others whose names I don't know. Unless and until a certain ex- C&C presenter joins Hochanda, I'll be watching it in preference to C & C. Also Hochanda's packaging and delivery times are very good, according to comments I've seen online, which is more than I can say for C & C. It's far from "a joke" imo.
    Hochanda, don't have Dean Wilson, Dawn Wheeler, Paul Becque or Jacqui Joseph, which is also in their favour as far as I'm concerned. None of the demonstrators giggle incessantly and none of the presenters think the show is all about them, instead of the demos and products. What's not to like?

    Who is that then?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Competa View Post
    .......of me transferring loyalty to the two new channels. Honchanda is a joke and The Craft Channel is just same old, same old. Love Julian but as for all the other presenters, forget it! Thanks Create and Craft.
    Same here (and I really didn't think I would be saying that). I might even join da club!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Competa View Post
    .......of me transferring loyalty to the two new channels. Honchanda is a joke and The Craft Channel is just same old, same old. Love Julian but as for all the other presenters, forget it! Thanks Create and Craft.
    You can't honestly think that C&C isn't the same old same old!!! They may not be repeating the same shows but they are definitely repeating the same products/companies, and as for their presenters, the least said the better.
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  6. #6
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    Having a great day watching Sue Wilson on Hochanda. If anything Sue is doing all the talking and Alex is taking a back step. No distractions just demo's and loads of techniques to try. Ticks all my boxes and makes me want to buy the products. The only thing I am looking forward to on C&C is seeing Sheena Douglass next week.......
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChelseaGirl View Post
    Who is that then?
    Obviously ......... it's our .....!

  8. #8
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    All of the three channels have been showing the same old stuff, well except for Viva Decor. Loved those shows, especially the ones with Anthony as the lassie kept him quiet by giving him things to do. Pity somebody doesn't do that with most of the C & C presenters.

    Since the two new channels began I find I am watching less crafting on the telly though. Could be something to do with all the stuff being the same I s'pose. Or it could be that I am moving away from the style of crafting they do. I need something that challenges me, and thus far neither of the new channels have come up to snuff in that department. I gave up expecting anything challenging from C & C years ago.

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  9. #9
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    The Sue Wilson shows are OK if you like her style of cards - which I don't. Far too faffy for me. Again, each to their own.
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  10. #10
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    Must admit I do have quite a few of Sue's dies, Dot will insist on selling 'em to me. I don't use them the way Sue does though as like you I feel her designs are a tad OTT. I really do need to keep the thickness to a minimum, or at least inside the large stamp limit. Some of the samples I see would have to go at parcel rate as they wouldn't go through the larger slot, especially with huge bows, bling, and/or flowers.

    Always look on the bright side, if you can't find it then polish up the dull side. My Blog

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