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Thread: New dies from China

  1. #131
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    Aww bless her!
    Two and two make four...........but now and then they add up to three and occasionally, just occasionally its five !

  2. #132
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    Today it's silk Peonies and I love them. I couldn't justify spending on the Craft Buddy ones so found 6 for £1.77 online, ordered on 12th, arrived today.

  3. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacksmissis View Post
    Deefy love, I know its early - and my 2nd coffee went down the sink 'cos it wasn't nice - but how can you have dry wet wipes please?
    You leave them out of the pack to dry out (I leave them on the rads - the smell is lovely) and you use them instead of the foam stuff from Tim Holtz (still got a couple of packs of that!)

    You can either use the whole wipe to ink with, or you can cut a piece off. Wrap it round your finger, rub on the ink pad and then ink what you want - edges of cards etc. I find it much better than the foam because you can 'feel' what you are doing.

    Add on: Hasten to add the idea wasn't mine, it was something Jo Austin did when she was on C&C.
    Last edited by Deefersmum; 23-04-2017 at 11:39 AM.
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  4. #134
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    eeh I say, how clever thanks Deefy. and you won't get all messed up or the colours all going funny either. It had me really puzzled LOL !
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    Two and two make four...........but now and then they add up to three and occasionally, just occasionally its five !

  5. #135
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    You can get a big roll of the stuff that wet wipes are made of for just a few pounds. I think I got it at a DIY shop - it's for wiping up paint spills or something. Anyway it didn't cost very much and I've been using it for a couple of years now and there is still plenty left.
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  6. #136
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    Went up to Hoyland this morning for bread and sliced chicken, nipped into the market to see what Keith had on his stall, and found some new dies. Sadly he didn't have the two dies I had gone for, but I did find one I liked, a lady with a dog in a basket, and two on leads. Really pleased with myself until I happened to be looking on eBay at dies from China and found the blessed thing at 50% less than what I had paid for mine.

    In a fit of pique I have invested in four more dies from China via eBay. Hat, shoe, bridal gown and set of windows/cat/flower box. The whole lot set me back £8.37, and because I had bought four sets I received a reduction of 44 pence. They have loads of dies I would happily kill for. By the way, Keith had the wedding gown in the £5 box, I paid about £2.50 or so on eBay.

    Always look on the bright side, if you can't find it then polish up the dull side. My Blog

  7. #137
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    Since reading about the dies from china on tjhis thread I ordered some via Amazon and ebay.I ordered a family of ducks,a baby mobile,a train full of animals and a baby washing line and it only cost me just under £8.Which is amazing and they cut really well.I have ordered a few more and I definately won't be buying anymore tattered lace ones as they seem to have become very exspensive late;y.

  8. #138
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    I have ordered loads from Amazon, they're great value.

  9. #139
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    Just got an email from craftstash to say their new stitched and pierced dies are on offer for 14.99
    They are the ones I have got from China for 99p -1.50 a set
    I know they have to make a profit but that's a huge mark up
    Was talking to a friend of my neighbours hubby yesterday I knew he was something to do with design and computers but I did not really know what he did
    Well we were talking hobbies my hubby said he liked fishing red wine and collecting specialist gins
    He told him that I faffed about making cards with bits of metal
    My neighbour said that he was mean and that they got a lovely card at Christmas from me
    Anyway we got onto my craft stash and he then went on to tell me about how these dies are made
    Apparently he makes programmes for commercial machines that make car parts and many other things
    said the designs are programmed in to a huge cutting machine that can run off thousands of dies or other items at a time most cost pennies most of the machines are hired out when the they have no more use they go back or they get reprogrammed to cut something else
    Said he thinks the dies from China are cut at a few places but sold on by multiple sellers they make money even though they don't charge postage they make more money by selling to the big brands and the big brands make a huge profit
    Jokingly I ask if he could reprogram me defunked gypsy
    He took it home with him
    Rang me today to say the firmware they used was naff
    He could not fix it as it had too many glitches and was amazed it had lasted me the year lol
    Last edited by Little Jan; 30-04-2017 at 02:34 PM.
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    You don't have to be as mad as a box of frogs to be here but it helps:mysmilie_13:

  10. #140
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    Some of the dies I found by the seller I bought from last night look like Disney to me, though of course they call them something else. Found a hexagon that they said was an octagon, shame that I could do with an octagon, and a pentagon too, a nice plain one for my EPP, nothing fancy.

    Haven't tried Amazon, perhaps I ought to have a look see.

    Always look on the bright side, if you can't find it then polish up the dull side. My Blog

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