Think its happening to a few of us tricia.
Think its happening to a few of us tricia.
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Two and two make four...........but now and then they add up to three and occasionally, just occasionally its five !
Having problems posting pictures at the moment, but thank you very much for the two beautiful cards I recieved x
Huge apologies for not posting my fabulous card. We went away to stay with my sister for Christmas and came back on Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday my beautiful bunny Parsley who had been battling a chronic eye problem suddenly took a turn for the worse and despite rushing him to vets and putting him on a drip etc he passed away. I can't believe I've lost two bunnies in 4 months. I'll upload my card as soon as I can x
So sorry for your loss, Glingle.
so soorry fir your loss
I am also struggling at the moment will post on another thread
You don't have to be as mad as a box of frogs to be here but it helps:mysmilie_13:
Here is my secret santa swap that arrived a few days ago, a beautiful vintage style card
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You don't have to be as mad as a box of frogs to be here but it helps:mysmilie_13:
Here is my beautiful card from Andrea
the words are very poignant at the moment
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You don't have to be as mad as a box of frogs to be here but it helps:mysmilie_13:
I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling at the moment LJ, sending lots of hugs to you xxxx
And thank you all for your kind thoughts they truly do help x
I've been trying to upload these with imugr so you can see them better but it's still sulking so hopefully this will work,
My beautiful card from Shirley, I wish you could see the movement and texture on it, just yummy!image.jpg
And my stunning card from Andrea - Marleybear which is so going in a frame.
Thank you both so much, they are stunning x
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Lovely cards again.