My latest Powertex project, the fairy house. Getting better at not making a mess using the hardener.
My latest Powertex project, the fairy house. Getting better at not making a mess using the hardener.
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Lovely Tricia, glad you've taken to it.
Two and two make four...........but now and then they add up to three and occasionally, just occasionally its five !
I certainly have enjoyed using it. At some stage I am going to gave a go at making something to go in the garden. Gather it takes about three weeks to become fully hardened and can then be put outside.
That is lovely Tricia
Wish I could do something different craft wise
But I am not artistic enough
Unlike my daughter who can turn her hand to anything crafty apart from sewing
She makes Christmas cards by using her daughters hands and foot prints
And turning the print into reindeers ,snowmen etc she has done this since her daughter was born
So we now have lovely keepsakes
She does thank you cards to family who send money at Christmas and Birthdays by sending a picture of the gift purchased.
Recipients are very pleased to get them
I used to decorate cakes before my hands stated to play up
happy to say daughter now decorates her own cakes
And saved a fortune doing granddaughters Bithday cake herself this year
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You don't have to be as mad as a box of frogs to be here but it helps:mysmilie_13:
Sounds like your daughter Jan has I am sure inherited lots of ideas from you.
I have enjoyed over the years dabbling in some craft or another. Used to love sewing and tatting, I owned a couple of knitting machines several years ago, but as the children got older they didn’t need knitted items. So that was one thing I moved on. I keep looking at my sewing machine but it hasn’t been used for several months. I make things when my hands are up to it, as I suspect as time goes on doing anything crafty is going to be a struggle. As to my tatting I think that may well be something in the past now as I do struggle to hold the shuttle for longer than ten minutes.