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Thread: Boy's card - urgent inspiration needed!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    In A Little World Of My Own
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    That would be great
    I must admit I don’t make cards for the lads anymore
    Mainly because I don’t see 4 of my nephews two are in their 30’s
    Two I have not see or heard from in years due to their mother
    I still send them cards but (hangs head in Shame) I buy them
    Maybe use a more grown up image of a elephant
    Daughter said boys of ten in some of the classes she teaches are more like 15year olds others like 5 lol
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    You don't have to be as mad as a box of frogs to be here but it helps:mysmilie_13:

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Somewhere amid the mess in my office/craftroom!
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    If you have any old CD's that you no longer listen to, use it as a topper, adding a few musical notes, or something of that ilk. If you have anything in the die department that is music related, or even peel-off stickers, add those to the top of the CD.

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