Nothing else from me - have you got a theme for May??!
Nothing else from me - have you got a theme for May??!
Sorry I did not join in
Been rushing to get family cards done busy few months for Birthdays
And now there will be no Saturday delivers they need to go in the post earlier
Also been trying to sort out refunds on things we booked for hubbies Birthday
Our day trip on the orient express and our holiday in July
You don't have to be as mad as a box of frogs to be here but it helps:mysmilie_13:
a) It’s not compulsory; no need to apologise.
b) The idea was that you could make your family birthday cards or whatever else you need / want to do but try to incorporate one or more of the themes at the same time.
I didn’t really manage it myself, though, other than the one baby card. Must try harder next month.