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Thread: Fabric & Markets

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    Default Fabric & Markets

    With wanting to get back sewing as a change from flipping cards, I've been looking at all the material shows and can't believe the prices of what are essentially "fents" and coming in at a tenner or more a metre. And another thing that bugs me is practically no-one says the width of the fabric its always a fat quarter, or a half metre, yeah ok, of what? How can you order enough for a dress for instance. About the only one who says whats what is Joe from the Millshop and he'll cut in a continuous length for proper projects.

    Second part of query - Markets !

    Using Beverley as a marker, does anyone know of old fashioned markets who may have fabric stalls or even shops with materials please? They seem to be none existent these days - at least around here. Don't mind driving 50 miles or so. Haven't been to Selby for years, they used to have a nice market, don't know about now though.

    I could even tie in a visit to Skipton or Burnley market with a visit home if they have fabric stalls? I know that Roz has a good selection of them in her area but its a tad too far (round trip)
    Two and two make four...........but now and then they add up to three and occasionally, just occasionally its five !

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacksmissis View Post
    With wanting to get back sewing as a change from flipping cards, I've been looking at all the material shows and can't believe the prices of what are essentially "fents" and coming in at a tenner or more a metre. And another thing that bugs me is practically no-one says the width of the fabric its always a fat quarter, or a half metre, yeah ok, of what? How can you order enough for a dress for instance. About the only one who says whats what is Joe from the Millshop and he'll cut in a continuous length for proper projects.

    Second part of query - Markets !

    Using Beverley as a marker, does anyone know of old fashioned markets who may have fabric stalls or even shops with materials please? They seem to be none existent these days - at least around here. Don't mind driving 50 miles or so. Haven't been to Selby for years, they used to have a nice market, don't know about now though.

    I could even tie in a visit to Skipton or Burnley market with a visit home if they have fabric stalls? I know that Roz has a good selection of them in her area but its a tad too far (round trip)
    How things have changed! I used to spend whole lunch hours in Debenhams looking at all their fabrics.

    I used to love making stuff, but some of the prices these days are a bit over the top. I was watching one of the sewing shows yesterday with kits of fabric and a pattern - it would be cheaper to go out and buy a top. They said that you could use the pattern again and again, but you still have to go and buy more fabric. I know you don't get the satisfaction of making it, but pennies or pennies (or pounds in this case).
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    Yes, we used to have 3 fabric shops in Bridlington but now there arent any except for a limited amount at Boyes store. One of the things I want is a lot of fabric for curtains because I've so many windows in the 'L' shaped area. I have a 25mtr bolt by 60" wide (had it donkeys years - hidden !) but its just too dark. Can't get ready mades easily because of the different lengths, grrr!
    Two and two make four...........but now and then they add up to three and occasionally, just occasionally its five !

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    Crumbs that's awful. I haven't looked for fabric shops for years but used to make most of my clothes in the 60s and 70s. There were quite a few fabric shops and all the stores like Debenhams used to sell a lot of fabric. We also had a market in Bromley that used to sell a lot of fabric, used to spend a lot of my Thursday lunchtimes going round the market looking for my next 'dress' lol. Rarely wear a dress these days but that's mainly because of the big scar on my leg.
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    When I was first married we lived in Chatham and I regularly went to Maidstone on market day as there were several stalls that sold fabric. Used to buy material to make clothes for me and my elder son when he was a toddler. It was a good day out and we sometimes went on boat on the Medway to finish off before getting the bus back home.

    When I visit my grandson I normally get the train to Derby and visit the markets there en route to the bus stop - the Eagle Market has several stalls selling fabric and I tend to buy things I like when I see them so I have material to back cushions etc. Lots of variety and reasonable prices. It's also an opportunity to stock up on Sage Derby cheese, which I can't get down south! The Market Hall has got a useful wool and notions stall plus a stall that has lots of magazines, including unusual crafting ones. Both markets are looking a bit tired and not as they were in their prime, but for fabric I am quite happy.
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    We are down to one stall in the market, usually round about £7.50 a metre, usually about 140cm wide I believe. Not sure when PJ Textiles were closing down in town, but it had been on the cards for a couple of years as the owner wanted to retire. As I haven't been to Barnsley since mid March, I have no idea if they are still open. Even Hafeez in the market may have decided to up sticks for all I know.

    Like you we have Boyes, just along the road in Hoyland in fact. Other than that, there is Dunelm Mills, which is two bus rides away, so forget it. The last time I went there was when I wanted some new curtains. The previous time was also for curtains, as was the time before that! No honest, I don't have a fetish for curtains, just needed them when we were moving to the bungalow. I couldn't afford them for all three windows in one go, so had to do it over several weeks. :)

    Just had a look on t'Internet, it would appear PJ Textiles are still going strong. Well according to their Facebook page that is, last posting four days ago. Maybe he changed his mind about retiring. I know in the last months of 2019, and the early months of this year they were closed on a Tuesday. Bit of a pain that as it was the only day I used to go into town. :(

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    From when I was quite little my favourite place was the fabrics and haberdashery department of George Henry Lees in Liverpool. Firstly the displays always used to give me an electric shock which I loved, secondly I could look for hours at all the buttons ribbons and zips.

    Mum never really made any of my clothes from scratch but she used to change collars, cuffs and buttons on most clothes to make them a bit different.
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    My Mum used to make all my clothes when I was a child - well, went on beyond that because she made the dress I wore as my going away outfit! For me clothes shopping was going to John Lewis in Oxford Street to choose fabrics and patterns. Even now, in my sixties, I haven't got the hang of shopping for clothes because it wasn't something I did much as a teenager. Even visits to Biba were for make-up, rather than clothes!
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    We moved down South in 1973 and I loved Biba. Sure there was a roof garden there. Mum transferred her George Henry obsession to Peter Jones in Sloane Square.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chalet School Fan View Post
    My Mum used to make all my clothes when I was a child - well, went on beyond that because she made the dress I wore as my going away outfit! For me clothes shopping was going to John Lewis in Oxford Street to choose fabrics and patterns. Even now, in my sixties, I haven't got the hang of shopping for clothes because it wasn't something I did much as a teenager. Even visits to Biba were for make-up, rather than clothes!
    We used to do trips to John Lewis for fabric too. My mum was really annoyed to discover that she wasn't able to make my summer uniform dress for secondary school as even JL didn't stock the material. Not sure if JL do any fabric these days other than curtain or upholstery material.
    I know that these days you can order fabric on line, but I still like to 'feel' before I buy.
    I agree with previous posts, that whatever is being sold on the TV channels does seem expensive.
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