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Thread: How much to charge?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Somewhere amid the mess in my office/craftroom!
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    When Keith joined the army his friends called him KD, Derek being his second name. Kate has the same initials, the D being for Diane. It caused great fun, especially at the library where their library cards both had KD on them. More fun when folks would ring and ask for Mr Walters. Erm, which one? Mr Walters. Yes but which one, there are three of 'em. Invariably they couldn't even give me a clue due to Data Protection. OK then, who is calling. Sorry madam, but we can't tell you that either. Me...... puts phone down.

    Always look on the bright side, if you can't find it then polish up the dull side. My Blog

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
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    A friend with 3 daughters all had the same initial as herself. I often wondered how they worked out who the post was for.
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