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Thread: How much to charge?

  1. #41
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    Hope the weather is better next Saturday, it's been very rainy around here!
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  2. #42
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    Fingers crossed - but with the changes on Monday we can make more use of the building and we have gazebos for shelter as well. Hence the timing of the event.
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  3. #43
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    Somewhere amid the mess in my office/craftroom!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chalet School Fan View Post
    We are holding a plant and cake sale in the churchyard next Saturday and I am selling cards again. A lady who bought some from me last time suggested selling cards with packets of seeds in - so I've cross stitches a poppy and some sweet peas to make cards which are keepsakes and put in a packet of seeds. I'll charge £5 for those and see if they sell! TBH the time spent making them is worth much more, but I enjoyed it and I was using up odds and ends to make them.
    I used to really enjoy making cross stitch cards. Never got the financial reward they deserved of course, but I did enjoy the process of making them. The really hard part was working out which craft shows I could go to. 'Himself' had every alternate weekend off work, so I could only attend the shows when he was available, which was a bit of a pain.

    The one and only time I booked a taxi to bring me home, it being a very local show. The taxi driver picked up another fare, so left me standing in the school grounds in the pouring rain for half an hour. In those days mobile phones didn't exist, so I couldn't ring another company, though I doubt there were many available on a Sunday afternoon anyway. Needless to say I didn't do that again.

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  4. #44
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    The other thing I used to make for fetes were cross stitched key rings. They used to sell well and didn't take as long to make as cards. I've just discovered a box full of blank keyrings, so I'll make some of those as well ready for our next sale. The cross stitched luggage tags I made for the girls in my tutor group were very well received. They must have shown them to other staff, because I've had lots of hints about making more for other people!! One of my tutor group is going on to train as an opera singer, so hers had a Wagnerian heroine on it with 'Diva' underneath. She loved it!
    Made a stack of 'Thank you teacher' cards today as it seems the time of year to sell those.
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  5. #45
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    We held a plant and cake sale in the churchyard today and I had a stall with my cards. Most people were there for the plants, but I did sell about £50 worth of cards to add to the total of £1400. The embroidered cards with seeds proved popular, so I'll make some more for the next event. I've also got an order for personalised St Nicholas gift bags for a friends whose grandchildren live in Germany - easier to post than the Christmas Eve boxes I made for her other grandchildren.
    Ended up buying lots of plants for my pots outside the front door, which are looking very sad. So off to buy some compost to put them in!!!
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  6. #46
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    Well done CSF.
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  7. #47
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    We had an Open Day at church yesterday. To show off the newly decorated building and the medieval well paintings there was a small scale flower festival and the launch of the graveyard trail, which tells the history of the town through the lives of the ordinary people buried there.
    There were refreshments, cake stall etc, so I thought I'd sell cards as I still had lots left. Made £65 and got several commissions as people wanted special orders, so it was worthwhile. Biggest order is for 30 personalised christening invitations for a child called Leonardo Athelstan! DH says it is going to be hard keeping a straight face during the service - like the time he had to baptize a baby called Chelsea Bunn!
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  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chalet School Fan View Post
    We had an Open Day at church yesterday. To show off the newly decorated building and the medieval well paintings there was a small scale flower festival and the launch of the graveyard trail, which tells the history of the town through the lives of the ordinary people buried there.
    There were refreshments, cake stall etc, so I thought I'd sell cards as I still had lots left. Made £65 and got several commissions as people wanted special orders, so it was worthwhile. Biggest order is for 30 personalised christening invitations for a child called Leonardo Athelstan! DH says it is going to be hard keeping a straight face during the service - like the time he had to baptize a baby called Chelsea Bunn!
    That's really good to hear. Sales are going well. I love that name. There's a family around here with several members called Athelstan or variations of the name such as Elstan. I have taught many of them, and it's a lovely solid name.
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  9. #49
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    I like both names - my father was called Stanley, which comes from the same root - but I personally I might temper a name with something less exotic in case the child didn't like my choice and wanted to use their second name!

  10. #50
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    Erm, one would have thought the parents of Chelsea would have given a wee bit of thought to the future. The poor child will have a horrendous time at school in future years, especially if said child happens to be a wee bit overweight. Quite like the other name, but I dare say the child will change it to something else in the future.

    Kate was actually registered as Kathleen, though seldom used. When she was little we called her Katie, but there came a point when we felt a change to Kate was called for. Couldn't get my mother to understand that she was no longer Katie, but Kate. When she was at the high school one of the teachers called her Kath. Eh what, who is this Kath he is talking about. She has never been a Kath, and never will be.

    Always look on the bright side, if you can't find it then polish up the dull side. My Blog

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