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Thread: Wonder why they stopped showing craft?

  1. #1
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    Default Wonder why they stopped showing craft?

    I've often pondered over the years why QVC stopped showing craft. They must've lost so much custom! I always used to sneak a little something extra into my basket after Dawn's Tuesday afternoon show. And things I'd never have watched without seeing them advertised after the craft had been on. Haven't watched QVC for years now
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  2. #2
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    Me too. I used watch QVC for the craft but ended up buying some clothes and skin care stuff as well. Now I never watch it.
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  3. #3
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    I used to like their Christmas shows, but it is the same old stuff each year now. Always enjoyed watching Sue from Bucilla. The last time she was on they sold out of nearly everything in just over half an hour.

    Always look on the bright side, if you can't find it then polish up the dull side. My Blog

  4. #4
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    craft was never that popular of a section compared to the beauty & fashion sections
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by RozMinis View Post
    I used to like their Christmas shows, but it is the same old stuff each year now. Always enjoyed watching Sue from Bucilla. The last time she was on they sold out of nearly everything in just over half an hour.

    I loved craft when it was on QVC all the excitement of the next craft TSV
    ,staying up to see the midnight launch
    Couldn’t wait for Carol Smith to be on with Bucilla kits and her craft treasure boxes filled with assorted crafty kits ,I used to get a kit every Birthday and Christmas
    Then it was Dawn Bibby with Kanban and later Leonie Tim Holtz and Anna Griffin
    I remember when we were over on Shopping Telly drooling over a very large kit with pastel vellum flowers in various shades with Pearl embossed cards envelopes borders and shapes each colour set had 10 of everything
    It was well over budget for many members so someone bought the kit and shared it out with those who wanted to buy some

    I can’t say I have ever been that excited to see craft on tv since
    Last edited by Little Jan; 24-02-2022 at 10:29 PM.
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    You don't have to be as mad as a box of frogs to be here but it helps:mysmilie_13:

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUPERCOOLWILLOW View Post
    craft was never that popular of a section compared to the beauty & fashion sections
    I’m not so sure about that back in the day QVC was the only place you could see craft items on tv and there were pages and pages and lots of sell outs
    But that was a bit before you joined ST showing my age now lol
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    You don't have to be as mad as a box of frogs to be here but it helps:mysmilie_13:

  7. #7
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    Craft was massive at QVC back when, think it was one of the sections that got 2 craft days a year
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Jan View Post
    I loved craft when it was on QVC all the excitement of the next craft TSV
    ,staying up to see the midnight launch
    Couldn’t wait for Carol Smith to be on with Bucilla kits and her craft treasure boxes filled with assorted crafty kits ,I used to get a kit every Birthday and Christmas
    No idea why I typed Sue, of course I meant Carol. Silly me. Goes and hangs head in shame...................

    I think that was the Dawn Bibby kit I left until late afternoon. No idea why I went for it, especially as I ended up giving most of it to Kate for the school. I thought they used the craft stuff in the school, but apparently the teachers bought the goodies for school funds. My last computer came with a free printer. As I prefer HP printers I didn't really want it, so eventually donated it to the school who raffled it.

    The lady who won it was delighted as her printer had just departed to wherever printers go when they refuse to print. She took it home as pleased as punch only to discover hubby had already bought one. No matter, she took it to her local charity who said they would raffle it seeing as it hadn't even been out of its box. Kate said she had this vision of it going from pillar to post, yet never being used!

    Last edited by RozMinis; 20-04-2022 at 08:11 PM.
    Always look on the bright side, if you can't find it then polish up the dull side. My Blog

  9. #9
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    see when QVC as the only channel that had craft it was about half way though the list of ranges that were most popular but as the other craft channels started to come along it pretty much killed all of Q's craft ranges

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