Make yourselves a brew & I'll try and bring you up to date.
I hope no one thinks I've been rude, I've been absent for a long time through illness and allsorts else. I've had a job to get back onto CT site as I can't remember things like I used to so kept going round in circles with membership details lol!!
During first lockdown you may remember we had to get out of our mobile home & went to my sons temporarily, and sadly, Jack passed away after just a few days which was very traumatic. I then got an appointment through for an endoscopy that I'd been waiting almost a year for. The result came out as stomach cancer which was a big shock. My surgeon was very positive and I had 3 rounds of chemo prior to the op. The op went well then 3 days later everything went pear shaped and I was in ICU on life support for almost 6 weeks and they sent for my son and daughter twice when they thought I wasn't going to make it. Once I was on the right road they transferred me to a convalescent home & that was my real turning point, it was a lovely place the care was wonderful but I so wanted to go home and was finally discharged with my daughter coming to live with me for a few weeks & district nurses and physio's coming daily - there's nothing like your own front door ladies.
The time on life support took its toll on my memory and altho I can remember better now but I still have to sometimes ask my son or daughter about something.
I'm not in the mobile home anymore, the people involved with my health got me a flat which I moved in to, then I got offered this little bungalow and I'm very happy here. I've got moving boxes galore that need unpacking, (three homes since last December, bless us !! ) I can still drive altho it was months before I'd the confidence to, my son kept my car at his home till I was fit enough.
I suppose an "upside" to it all is I'm only a sz 14/16 now but I'd rather be big as I used to be - 20/22 - and still have my health. I'm so grateful to everyone who's helped me get over this - I lost my dog Milly, love her, she was such a comfort and I miss her so much. I was going to get rid of all my crafting stuff, it's that long since I did anything but my daughter said don't do anything hasty so I still have it all (in the blessed boxes lol) and hopefully I'll start again.
Well ladies I hope I haven't t bored you to tears and do take care of yourselves and those you love, bye for now, Cynthia x