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Thread: Hello everyone

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Stroud, Gloucestershire
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    JM it's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lovely to hear from you - I've often thought about you and no, you haven't bored me to tears, the only tears have been ones of joy to know that you are a survivor and you're back to entertain us with your one-off sense of humour.

    I don't visit the forum very often because hubby isn't well which makes my life pretty hectic, but it's wonderful to know you are OK.
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    In A Little World Of My Own
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    Welcome back I have been thinking about you
    And hoping you would return
    So sorry that you have been through so much but pleased you are making progress and hopefully
    will soon feel like crafting again it is a great way to lift the sprits
    Whiling the hours away being creative
    You will soon settle into your new home
    Moving to a bungalow was the best thing we did
    Take care of your self xx
    You don't have to be as mad as a box of frogs to be here but it helps:mysmilie_13:

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
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    Hi Jacksmissis, I am so pleased to hear from you. Have thought of you often and I second all the good wishes from everyone. xx

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Somewhere amid the mess in my office/craftroom!
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    I managed to make a sleeping bag thingie with a hood for Christopher when he was a teeny baby in Tunisian crochet. Kate opened up the bottom and changed it to a dressing gown when he was older. It seemed pretty easy to do at the time, so when I was investing in new needles and hooks, I thought I would add a couple of Tunisian hooks to the mix. I dunno, was it me or what, but the hook end seemed longer than the hook I had used, but could no longer find.

    Anywhoo, one of the ladies who used to come to the needle and natter group decided to teach us how to do Tunisian crochet, she even gave us all a hook for our C******** prezzie. Could I get the hang of the thing? Nope, and it was similar to the one I had used originally. I have come to the conclusion that my problem must be something to do with not being able to bend my thumb properly. For normal crochet I use the Clover Soft Touch hooks which are flat in the fiddle of the handle. Of course they are useless for Tunisian crochet, so that is that idea chucked out of the window!

    Last week Christine forgot her knitting, so had to nip into one of the shops and buy yarn and a pack of three hooks. Like me, she uses Clover Soft Touch, so really struggled with these flat ones. Nice to know it isn't just me! ;)

    You Tube is brilliant for learning new skills, or even refreshing old ones. ;)

    Gentle hugs
    Roz ;)
    Always look on the bright side, if you can't find it then polish up the dull side. My Blog

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