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Thread: Lynda Chapman

  1. #1
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    Default Lynda Chapman

    I really didn't know where to post this and may be completely behind the loop (me? lol), but Lynda has joined HobbyMaker. She's part of Crafty Witches who she says "are a new supplier to HobbyMaker".
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  2. #2
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    For some reason I was under the impression that she was stepping down and someone was taking over from her, but I must be confusing her with someone else.

  3. #3
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    No you’re not completely wrong Lioness. She retired from CCW in August. They employed 5 staff to do the work she’d been doing. Originally Becca Seddon was supposed to be her replacement but she couldn’t cope with the workload and 2 tiny children. So her and Lynda had a chat and came up with Crafty Witches (they didn’t intend to keep the name). It’ll be just downloads they’re selling. Andy Love will be the presenter for the first show and Lynda is only doing the first day. She’s semi retired and doesn’t want to go back to living to work. The third member of the team is Hels Sheridan who will be the one doing demos.
    The design team for CCW have stayed with Lynda and the samples for tomorrow’s shows are really lovely.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by pyjama princess View Post
    No you’re not completely wrong Lioness. She retired from CCW in August. They employed 5 staff to do the work she’d been doing. Originally Becca Seddon was supposed to be her replacement but she couldn’t cope with the workload and 2 tiny children. So her and Lynda had a chat and came up with Crafty Witches (they didn’t intend to keep the name). It’ll be just downloads they’re selling. Andy Love will be the presenter for the first show and Lynda is only doing the first day. She’s semi retired and doesn’t want to go back to living to work. The third member of the team is Hels Sheridan who will be the one doing demos.
    The design team for CCW have stayed with Lynda and the samples for tomorrow’s shows are really lovely.
    So does this mean Hels will just be on HobbyMaker and with Crafty Witches? I noticed she's been AWOL on C&C over the last week or so.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deefersmum View Post
    So does this mean Hels will just be on HobbyMaker and with Crafty Witches? I noticed she's been AWOL on C&C over the last week or so.
    I think she will be on both channels- with Hobbymaker on behalf of crafty witches, and C&C on behalf of creative craft world?
    There is a you tube video where Lynda explains all, but the chat goes on for 1.5 hours so I skipped bits but that is how I understood it

    Crafty witches will just be digital downloads as Lynda can do stuff from home
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